Thursday, May 21, 2020

September 11th And The World Of Aviation - 1415 Words

Macy Oller Mr. Litz American Lit 09 December 2016 September 11th and the World of Aviation September 11, 2001 was a Tuesday and changed air transportation as we know it. This devastating day in history was when a total of four American Airlines airplanes were hijacked. Most collided with important United States buildings. The first two planes intentionally collided with each of the Twin Towers in New York. Shortly after, the third plane hit the Pentagon in Virginia. Amazingly, the passengers on the fourth plane gained control of the plane and never allowed it to collide with a building. As a result, they suffered a crash landing in an open field in Pennsylvania. That day in history, now referred to as 9-11, had a major impact on international, domestic, commercial, and private air travel because it illustrated something had to be changed in regards to safety and security issues. Before, during, and after 9-11, were all very different times in regards to aviation. Prior to this event, many issues needed to be discussed, but matters were mostly related to overall safety not terrorism. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and International Air Transport Association (IATA) took action immediately. The International Air Transport Association and the Federal Aviation Administration made security their â€Å"top priority† (Taylor 8). They immediately made important changes to improve everyone’s safety. Even though commercial and private air travel are different ways of airShow MoreRelatedThe War Of 1812 And Its Effects On American Soil983 Words   |  4 Pagesin New York City on a cool Tuesday morning. Who could have guessed a morning as benevolent as this could be a source of such inexplicable cruelty? This particular day in September of 2001 would change the world forever. Without warning, an explosion rang out. A puff of black smoke bellowed upward from the north tower of the World Trade Centers. An unpleasant silence ensued. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Is Politics A Politician - 4068 Words

Retail politics can best be described as gaining support or backing for an individual through direct personal connection and networking. This type of politics is incredibly important because it creates a more intimate and special kind of deal that makes that person more willing to support a particular politician. Not to mention it can help on a personal level by moving up social and trust levels, which is a huge part of politics. This kind of politics is different than wholesale politics which targets a large audience rather than an individual person. A congressional cloakroom is a communal meeting place that can be compared to the kitchen or water jug in a typical office. It serves as an informal meeting place where politicians can meet†¦show more content†¦While retail politics is an amazing tool, it does have its limitations. For because the process requires intimate human connection, it can not really be scaled past a small group of people. Essentially, it can not real ly only be implemented locally and not nationally. However those connections made locally can help on the federal level. Today, retail politics is still very important but not as important as it was in the 1950’s. This is because nowadays the public is swayed by large scale news articles, debates and television ads which all falls under the category of wholesale politics. Yet retail politics is still important today for a politician to stay in good standing with his/her staff and potentially move up the ladder of power. Chapter 2 The phrase â€Å"all politics is local† means that politicians are only successful if they do what is best for the district or area they serve. Or in other words, they serve the people they are representing. For if a politician loses touch with his/her people and they no longer feel represented, the politician will not only lose votes, but most likely be ousted by another. An example from this chapter is when Congressman Edward J. Patten used a newspaper article displaying his opponents West End Avenue address. As the book says the race was won right then and there because Eddie Pattern showed his opponent not truly being a â€Å"local† person. Another example from the book is when the powerful Al Ullman

Stefan’s Diaries Bloodlust Chapter 7 Free Essays

The next evening I gazed contented at the sun setting over the harbor. Miss Molly hadnt exaggerated: The girls at her house were hospitable. For breakfast Id had one with long, corn-silk hair and bleary blue eyes. We will write a custom essay sample on Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 7 or any similar topic only for you Order Now I could still taste her wine-laced blood on my lips. Damon and I had spent the day wandering the city, taking in the wrought-iron balconies in the French Quarter–and the girls who waved to us from their perches there–the fine tailor shops with bolts of sumptuous silk in the windows, and the heady cigar shops where men with round bellies struck business deals. But of all the sights, I liked the harbor best. This was the citys lifeblood, where tall ships carrying produce and exotic wares entered and exited. Cut off the harbor, you cut off the city, making it as vulnerable and helpless as Miss Mollys girl had been that morning. Damon gazed out at the boats as well, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. His lapis lazuli ring glinted in the fading sunlight. â€Å"I almost saved her.† â€Å"Who?† I asked, turning sharply, hope swelling in my chest. â€Å"Did you sneak off and feed from someone?† My brother kept his eyes on the horizon. â€Å"No, of course not. I meant Katherine.† Of course. I sighed. If anything, last night had made Damon more malcontent than ever. While Id enjoyed the company and the sweet blood of a girl whose name I would never know, Damon had retired to a room of his own, treating the establishment as if it were simply the boardinghouse it pretended to be. â€Å"You should have drunk,† I said for the hundredth time that day. â€Å"You should have taken your pick.† â€Å"Dont you understand, Stefan?† Damon asked flatly. â€Å"I dont want my pick. I want what I had–a world I understood, not one I can control.† â€Å"But why?† I asked, at a loss. The wind shifted, and the scent of iron, mixed with tobacco, talcum powder, and cotton, invaded my nostrils. â€Å"Feeding time already?† Damon asked wryly. â€Å"Havent you done enough damage?† â€Å"Who cares about one whore in a filthy brothel!† I yelled in frustration. I gestured out to the sea. â€Å"The world is filled with humans, and as soon as one dies, another appears. What does it matter if I relieve one wretched soul of its misery?† â€Å"Youre being careless, you know,† Damon grunted. His tongue darted out of his mouth to lick his dry, cracked lips. â€Å"To feed whenever you feel like it. Katherine never did that.† â€Å"Yes, well, Katherine died, didnt she?† I said, my voice much harsher than I meant it to be. â€Å"Shed have hated who youve become,† Damon said, sliding off the fence and standing next to me. The scent of iron was more pervasive now, curling around me like an embrace. â€Å"No, she would have hatedyou,† I retorted. â€Å"So scared of who you are, unable to go after what you want, wasting your Power.† I expected Damon to argue, to strike me even. But instead he shook his head, the tips of his retracted canines just visible between his partially open lips. â€Å"I hate myself. I wouldnt expect any different from her,† he said simply. I shook my head in disappointment. â€Å"What happened to you? You used to be so full of life, so ready for adventure. This is the best thing that has ever happened to us. Its a gift–one thatKatherinegave to you.† Across the street, an old man hobbled past, and then a moment later, a child on an errand rushed by in the opposite direction. â€Å"Pick one and feed! Pick something, anything. Anything is better than just sitting here, letting the world go by.† With that I stood, following the iron and tobacco scent, feeling my fangs pulse with the promise of a new meal. I grabbed Damon, who lagged a few paces behind me, until we found ourselves on a slanted lane out of range of the gaslights. What little light there was gathered onto a single point: a white-uniformed nurse, leaning against a brick building, smoking a cigarette. The woman looked up, her startled expression turning into a slow smile as she took in Damon. Typical. Even as a blood-starved vampire, Damon, with his shock of dark hair, long lashes, and broad shoulders, caused women to look twice. â€Å"Want a smoke?† she asked, blowing smoke into concentric circles that blended with the mist in the air. â€Å"No,† Damon said hastily. â€Å"Come on, brother.† I ignored him, stepping toward her. Her uniform was spattered with blood. I couldnt stop staring at it and the way the rich red contrasted to the stark white. No matter how often I had seen it since changing, blood continued to awe me with its beauty. â€Å"Having a bad night?† I asked, leaning next to her against the building. Damon grabbed my arm and started to pull me toward the lights of the hospital. â€Å"Brother, lets go.† Tension coiled in my body. â€Å"No!† It took a swat of my arm to toss him against the wall. The nurse dropped her cigarette. The ash sparked, then extinguished. I felt the bulge of my fangs behind my lips. It was just a matter of time now. Damon struggled to his feet, crouching low as if I was going to strike him again. â€Å"I wont watch this,† he said. â€Å"If you do this, I will never forgive you.† â€Å"I have to get back to my shift,† the nurse muttered, taking a step away from me, as if to run. I grabbed her arm and pulled her to me. She let out one short yelp before I covered her mouth with my hand. â€Å"No need to worry about that anymore,† I hissed, sinking my teeth into her neck. The liquid tasted like rotting leaves and antiseptic, as if the death and decay of the hospital had invaded her body. I spit the still warm liquid into the gutter and threw the nurse to the ground. Her face was twisted in a grimace of fear. Stupid girl. She should have sensed the danger and run while she still could. It hadnt even been a hunt. Worthless. She groaned, and I wrapped my fingers against her throat and squeezed until I heard the satisfying crack of bone breaking. Her head hung at an unnatural angle, blood still dripping from the wound. She wasnt making any noise now. I turned toward Damon, who stared at me, a horrified expression on his face. â€Å"Vampires kill. Its what we do, brother,† I said calmly, my gaze locking on Damons blue eyes. â€Å"Its whatyoudo,† he said, taking off the coat around his shoulders and throwing it over the nurse. â€Å"Not me. Never me.† Anger pulsed like a heart at the very core of my being. â€Å"Youre weak,† I growled. â€Å"Maybe so,† Damon said. â€Å"But Id rather be weak than a monster.† His voice grew strong. â€Å"I want no part in your killing spree. And if our paths ever cross again, I swear I will avenge all of your murders, brother.† Then he spun on his heel and ran at vampire speed down the alleyway, instantly disappearing into the swirling mist. How to cite Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 7, Essay examples