Monday, August 24, 2020

The Struggle of Past Identity in Modern Lebanon Essay

The Struggle of Past Identity in Modern Lebanon - Essay Example Utilizing techniques from both technical disciplines and the humanities, humanities encourages us to comprehend our general surroundings. Anthropologists work in a wide assortment of settings around the world, including precipitation backwoods, high-elevation situations, provincial towns, and huge urban communities. (Headrick 2007) Human sciences concentrates all aspects of society and culture is it apparatuses, procedures, conventions, language, convictions, family relationships, values, social establishments, monetary systems, longings for magnificence and craftsmanship, battles for glory. This incorporates, by method of model, yet isn't restricted to Linguistics is the investigation of human dialects, their synchronic structure,and their diachronic development, and etymologists commit themselves to the portrayal and documentation of live and terminated dialects. Etymological Anthropology is the investigation of the interrelation of language, culture, and human discernment. It depicts the effect of people on different people. It essentially considers human attributes produced and engendered by people themselves. Social Anthropology: for anthropologists and other conduct researchers, culture is the full scope of educated human standards of conduct. The term was first utilized along these lines by the pioneer English Anthropologist Edward B. Tylor in his book, Primitive Culture, distributed in 1871. Tylor said that culture is that intricate entire which incorporates information, conviction, workmanship, law, ethics, custom, and some other capacities and propensities obtained by man as a citizen. obviously, it isn't constrained to men. Ladies have and make it too. Since Tylor's time, the idea of culture has become the focal point of human studies. Culture is an incredible human instrument for endurance, yet it is a delicate wonder. It is continually changing and effectively lost since it exists just in our brains. Our composed dialects, governments, structures, and other man-made things are simply the results of culture. They are not culture in themselves. Therefore, archeologists can not dive up culture legitimately in their unearthings. The messed up pots and different antiques of old individuals that they reveal are just material remains that reflect social examples - they are things that were made and utilized through social information and aptitudes. It gives top to bottom investigations of and correlations between living societies and customs. It likewise examines the social association of individuals by considering and breaking down the language, monetary and political association, law and compromise, examples of utilization a trade, sexual orientation relations, connection and family structure, people and their relationship with the past. Distinctive subfields under this class incorporate

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Introduction to Sociolinguistics

Prologue to Sociolinguistics Sociolinguistics is the investigation of parts of social orders, including social standards, the manner in which language is utilized, and the impacts of language use on society. Language is a significant segment of character and culture inside numerous discourse networks; likewise connected with individuals confidence; inside these networks. Sociolinguists have organized various approaches to classify the dialects inside their status and social capacity areas, for example, vernacular. The particular worry of this paper is concentrating on the hugeness and capacity assessment of the vernacular (tongue, highlight) and through the introduction utilized and by sociolinguistic-considers, it is expected to choose the contention if the language change is lead by the suggestions, good examples of media or not. Addressing the ideas of vernaculars, lingos and diglossia is a decent spot to start. The term vernacular has different implications; however for the most part alludes to a language not normalized and not formally affirmed; which is utilized by neighborhood individuals. For the most part, vernaculars are spread among networks living in a multilingual environment where they have an alternate mother-language than the official language of their living arrangement. For instance; Afro-American English is a vernacular made among the gathering of individuals living in places where the standard American English was formally utilized; however had African dialects as their mom tonque. Standard dialects, similar to the American English or the Received Pronunciation in Britain are delegated profoundly esteemed dialects related with instructed; when contrasted with the individuals talking vernacular dialects. Not quite the same as a vernacular; a tongue is an assortment of a specific language portrayed by explicit local highlights, for example, articulation; spoken by a particular gathering of individuals. Moreover, as per Fergusson (1996), diglossia is an uncommon language-circumstance where, notwithstanding the essential tongue of the language (ordered as (L)), there is a profoundly managed and regularly progressively complex assortment, which is utilized in legitimate works and formal discourses (arranged as (H)); however not actually followed found in day by day discussions. Diglossic circumstance exists on the off chance that it has two unmistakable codes which show clear practical detachment (Wardhaugh, 1998: 87). It has been seen that, at the appropriate time the normalized assortments of dialects (like Standard American English) began turning out to be less prevailing and neighborhood assortments (like African American English) turned out to be more prominen. Sociolinguists examined the sources of these progressions attempting to answer whether it was the social factors or effects of the well known media that set off these language changes. Labov recommended certain standards to legitimize these progressions inside dialects: He previously said that phonetic variety is transmitted to youngsters as elaborate separation on the formal/casual measurement, as opposed to as social delineation. Formal discourse variations are related by youngsters with guidance and discipline, casual discourse with closeness and fun. ( Labov 2001: 516) Consequently; semantic changes from beneath grow first in unconstrained discourse at the most casual level. They are unwittingly connected with dissention to sociolinguistic standards, and progressed most by youth who oppose adjustment to grown-up institutional practices ( Labov 2001:516). Regarding these standards expressed by Labov (2001), the uplifting mentality of youth age on the developing esteem and spreading of the non-standard dialects is very adequate. Aftwerwards, Labov likewise expressed that these progressions were images of resistance activities against the organized social standard s of fitting conduct, and were produced in the social settings that tested those standards. At last, the productive dissention guideline of Labov (2001) inferred that these progressions were spread to more extensive networks by the individuals who showed the images of resistance in bigger example of upward portability. Evidently, the mainstream media and its figures likewise indirectly affected this by dispersing these progressions to language networks, as clarified in detail in the important segment; beneath. In like manner, Debra Spitulnik (1997) contends that broad communications has a job in the development of network, and the social progression relies upon a social course of talk and open availability. The well known broad communications can order neighborhood worries on a worldwide stage and to consolidate the peripheral with the predominant, the parochial with the cosmopolitan, and the nearby with the worldwide' (Johnson and Ensslin 2007: 14). This is supposed to be a type of re-scaling regularly connected with the globalization of the late-advancement. In the light of these examinations, the language utilized in melodies of 50 Cent is given the primary lingo, complement is utilized nearby the noteworthiness and elements of the vernacular discourse. In this introduced space of mainstream media the vernacular is the African American English lingo with standard being the American English. Addendum 1 The utilization of vernacular during rapping, influences the voice nature of the speaker inside the mental or passionate states. In the event that the point is energizing or euphoric, voice rises and when the time has come to be quiet, the voice slides into a bass level. One of the particular highlights of vernacular is use of twofold included relational words as in up it (line 4). In addition, the utilization of twofold negative is regular in this vernacular contrasted with Standard American English. Is utilized to structure solid positives and underline implications (line 8). Negatives are framed not the same as standard American English for example utilization of aint as a general negative marker (line 11). Reference section 2 For the most part a v replacement happens in the vernacular dissimilar to Standard English. When utilizing foulness in blend with the F word, speakers articulate M.F. effectively simply like in Standard American English so as to underline the significance (line 2). In contrast to the norm, there are words in vernacular that demonstrate the possessive: for example in line 4 them is utilized for they. On the off chance that with regards to the sentence a reference is made to more than one(plural), it isn't important to add a s to the thing: for example like in line 5. Additionally it very well may be seen that need to is changed over into wanna in line 3. African American English speakers have a huge collection of slang words exceptional to Standard American English. The bread in (line 6) alludes to cash in African American English. There is th dropping inside the African American English as in (line 7) with is articulated as wif. The phonetic component of African American English is very not quite the same as standard American English e.g.; illuminate them is changed over to solveem which is persistent sound in single word that can be considered as the packed phonetic element of the vernacular (line 9). There is additionally consonant decrease in African American English: consonant sounds in letters, for example, (T) are frequently not articulated not at all like Standard American English (line 11). In the media pictures; low and white collar class African Americans have a negative picture: related with minor ways of life; occupied with awful things. For instance; (informative supplement 2, line 10) it is obviously inferred that 50 Cent took an interest in hoodlum exercises, as he raps in African American English. Be that as it may, the re-scaling procedure of media inside semantic situating, for example, In the hood they state theres no bness like cultivator bness ya realize which traverse into strange portrayals of unsophisticated goals and desire which, in all probability, are unattested rehearses either in low or white collar class dark networks. Vernacular has consistently had an affected hip jump and rap classifications by fusing implications (influence, cash, love, slang figures of speech) that are truly and logically arranged and applicable to encounters of African American people group. Here vernacular fills in as an interpreter motor, a unique instrument to communicate these implications. This is on the grounds that, for the African American people group the lingo isn't just an assortment that one may hear or talk inside the network yet in addition an assortment conveying neighborhood network information, astuteness. For instance; the slang figure of speech Im the affection specialist (in line 9 informative supplement 1), the epithet for the most part connected with the late Barry White, whose profound voice is considered by numerous Americans to be a definitive music for enchantment, is additionally deciphered by African youth through vernacular. The other discourse networks can likewise access to vernacular; by means of famous media. That is the way well known media spreads certain semantic attributes far and wide and impacts the language all things considered; rather than having this correspondence bound to vernacular society. Be that as it may, it ought to be noticed that media is just spreading out whats there yet the maker of the change isn't the media, it is somebody unique (for our situation, someone in vernacular). Given that the standard American English is a political sign for the African Americans which likewise infer the dismissal of their way of life; 50 Cent sings particularly in vernacular to engage himself inside the social and social settings of the African American people group. His vernacular discourse additionally works as an opposition language towards the white network. It tends to be accepted that he introduces himself as the retainer of nearby New York, Queens as the low assortment vernacular he has decided to utilize, which fuses loss of voiceless y and focal off-coasts as her becomes/hã ¶/in (informative supplement 1, line 13) which New York emphasize is well known for. All things considered, this conventional presentation includes no visuals however just sound and follows the bona fide qualities which underline the potential significance of the limited language. 50 Cent is by all accounts following the rules of Clarke and Hiscock (2009) on how keeping it genuine in rap includes reflecting nearby real factors just as regarding the African American causes of the class. While it tends to be very hard to survey the exact job of the media an

Saturday, July 18, 2020

How Cities Get Made 5 Books On Cities Urban Planning

How Cities Get Made 5 Books On Cities Urban Planning Cities are dirty. They smell bad. They’re packed with people, some of whom (particularly in the Summer) smell bad. This is a list a friend, who hates cities, made for me.  Add to those the fact that the best cities, the ones everyone wants to live in, are economically polarized out of reach for all but the very rich or very poor. And that the worst ones, the cities no one wants to live in, are falling apart, economically depressed and often dangerous. Fraught with corruption, run by greed, populated by the homeless and the dispossessed it isn’t hard to find the negatives to city life. You just have to look. So why then, if there is so much wrong with them, do some of us find cities endlessly fascinating? Maybe it’s the sense of adventure that comes just from walking around? Or that when you collect large groups of people into one geographic area things are guaranteed to happen?  There is something to see on every sidewalk and a surprise waiting to be discovered around every corner. What I like best about cities is that they are malleable. Communities and neighborhoods are formed and unformed, often in cycles, and the shape they take is determined by those who live in them. Below is my list of books about how this happens. It’s an entirely subjective list someone with a background in urban planning would come up with a much better one. The reason I chose these books is because they talk about how cities are shaped, who shapes them, and what we want (or should want) in the places we live. They’ll make your feel empowered and, hopefully, inspire you to get involved. City Life by Witold Rybczynski is about the evolution of American cities, and as an introduction to the whole idea of urban planning it’s hard to beat. Rybczynski is an Emeritus Professor of architecture at the University of Pennsylvania, so no surprise that after decades of teaching he knows how to make this subject accessible and interesting for everyone. His prose is conversational, and he fills his book with anecdotes that will engage even the most casual readers.  He discusses all the major cities New York, Chicago, D.C., Philadelphia, Boston and L.A. but he also takes the time to zoom out and place them within the context of how the country formed as a whole.  He compares these cities to their European counterparts, explaining what makes them different and why. Rybcyzynski is thorough, without being pedantic. If there’s a gateway drug to Urbanism, then City Life is it. Common Ground In a Liquid City: Essays In Defense of an Urban Future by Matt Hern is (like the title tells us) a book of essays. Hern is a resident of Vancouver and uses his hometown as a comparison point to explain the many cities he visits around the world. He zeroes in on the unique successes of each, the use of public squares by women in Istanbul and uses these examples to build a picture of what sustainable and livable cities look like. Published in 2010, Common Ground… deals directly with issues urban planners grapple with today: public transportation, environmentally conscious design, fair housing and the homogenization of the urban landscape as more and more cities become playgrounds for the rich. Hern makes his case cheerfully and his vision for the city of the future is a hopeful one. While there’s nothing particularly mind-blowing about his arguments, he’s fun to read. Urban farms have become, if not exactly ubiquitous, a recognizable part of the urban landscape. Novella Carpenter was one of the pioneers.  She planted a garden and eventually began raising livestock (turkeys, rabbits, bees and pigs) in a vacant lot in Oakland, California in 2005. Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer is her book about the experience. Hip, funny, and punk rock enough to be interesting, she begins with the sentence: “I have a farm on a dead-end street in the ghetto”.  This sets the tone for the entire book. By the end she’ll have you thinking of vacant lots in an entirely different way and looking online for your nearest community garden co-op. The way we think about cities today is due in a large part to Jane Jacobs and her understanding of what makes them work. The Death and Life of the Great American Cities has become the holy text of new urbanism.  No surprise, since in many ways Jacobs’ was a visionary. She understood that crowded, pedestrian friendly streets are the lifeblood of a healthy city. That what happens on the sidewalk and in public spaces makes or breaks a neighborhood.  She also realized that fair housing and economic diversity are essential to preserving the very character of city life that attracts so many of us (a lesson city planners are still learning in 2017). Because Jacob’s focuses mainly on her own neighborhood of Greenwich Village and she wrote the The Death and Life of the Great American Cities back in the sixties some of her examples are a bit dated. But the foundation of her argument still holds true today. Franco La Cecla is a bit of a crank. In Against Architecture, his book of essays against celebrity architects and blames them for most of the ills facing international cities today. La Cecla book will probably be the most difficult on this list for casual readers. His prose style is dense and it doesn’t flow as well as the other writers I’ve included.  But he takes a hard look at urban environments and, much like Jane Jacobs, demands that we think of them less in terms of aesthetic ideals and more as places where people live. Sign up for True Story to receive nonfiction news, new releases, and must-read forthcoming titles. Thank you for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

September 11th And The World Of Aviation - 1415 Words

Macy Oller Mr. Litz American Lit 09 December 2016 September 11th and the World of Aviation September 11, 2001 was a Tuesday and changed air transportation as we know it. This devastating day in history was when a total of four American Airlines airplanes were hijacked. Most collided with important United States buildings. The first two planes intentionally collided with each of the Twin Towers in New York. Shortly after, the third plane hit the Pentagon in Virginia. Amazingly, the passengers on the fourth plane gained control of the plane and never allowed it to collide with a building. As a result, they suffered a crash landing in an open field in Pennsylvania. That day in history, now referred to as 9-11, had a major impact on international, domestic, commercial, and private air travel because it illustrated something had to be changed in regards to safety and security issues. Before, during, and after 9-11, were all very different times in regards to aviation. Prior to this event, many issues needed to be discussed, but matters were mostly related to overall safety not terrorism. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and International Air Transport Association (IATA) took action immediately. The International Air Transport Association and the Federal Aviation Administration made security their â€Å"top priority† (Taylor 8). They immediately made important changes to improve everyone’s safety. Even though commercial and private air travel are different ways of airShow MoreRelatedThe War Of 1812 And Its Effects On American Soil983 Words   |  4 Pagesin New York City on a cool Tuesday morning. Who could have guessed a morning as benevolent as this could be a source of such inexplicable cruelty? This particular day in September of 2001 would change the world forever. Without warning, an explosion rang out. A puff of black smoke bellowed upward from the north tower of the World Trade Centers. An unpleasant silence ensued. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Is Politics A Politician - 4068 Words

Retail politics can best be described as gaining support or backing for an individual through direct personal connection and networking. This type of politics is incredibly important because it creates a more intimate and special kind of deal that makes that person more willing to support a particular politician. Not to mention it can help on a personal level by moving up social and trust levels, which is a huge part of politics. This kind of politics is different than wholesale politics which targets a large audience rather than an individual person. A congressional cloakroom is a communal meeting place that can be compared to the kitchen or water jug in a typical office. It serves as an informal meeting place where politicians can meet†¦show more content†¦While retail politics is an amazing tool, it does have its limitations. For because the process requires intimate human connection, it can not really be scaled past a small group of people. Essentially, it can not real ly only be implemented locally and not nationally. However those connections made locally can help on the federal level. Today, retail politics is still very important but not as important as it was in the 1950’s. This is because nowadays the public is swayed by large scale news articles, debates and television ads which all falls under the category of wholesale politics. Yet retail politics is still important today for a politician to stay in good standing with his/her staff and potentially move up the ladder of power. Chapter 2 The phrase â€Å"all politics is local† means that politicians are only successful if they do what is best for the district or area they serve. Or in other words, they serve the people they are representing. For if a politician loses touch with his/her people and they no longer feel represented, the politician will not only lose votes, but most likely be ousted by another. An example from this chapter is when Congressman Edward J. Patten used a newspaper article displaying his opponents West End Avenue address. As the book says the race was won right then and there because Eddie Pattern showed his opponent not truly being a â€Å"local† person. Another example from the book is when the powerful Al Ullman

Stefan’s Diaries Bloodlust Chapter 7 Free Essays

The next evening I gazed contented at the sun setting over the harbor. Miss Molly hadnt exaggerated: The girls at her house were hospitable. For breakfast Id had one with long, corn-silk hair and bleary blue eyes. We will write a custom essay sample on Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 7 or any similar topic only for you Order Now I could still taste her wine-laced blood on my lips. Damon and I had spent the day wandering the city, taking in the wrought-iron balconies in the French Quarter–and the girls who waved to us from their perches there–the fine tailor shops with bolts of sumptuous silk in the windows, and the heady cigar shops where men with round bellies struck business deals. But of all the sights, I liked the harbor best. This was the citys lifeblood, where tall ships carrying produce and exotic wares entered and exited. Cut off the harbor, you cut off the city, making it as vulnerable and helpless as Miss Mollys girl had been that morning. Damon gazed out at the boats as well, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. His lapis lazuli ring glinted in the fading sunlight. â€Å"I almost saved her.† â€Å"Who?† I asked, turning sharply, hope swelling in my chest. â€Å"Did you sneak off and feed from someone?† My brother kept his eyes on the horizon. â€Å"No, of course not. I meant Katherine.† Of course. I sighed. If anything, last night had made Damon more malcontent than ever. While Id enjoyed the company and the sweet blood of a girl whose name I would never know, Damon had retired to a room of his own, treating the establishment as if it were simply the boardinghouse it pretended to be. â€Å"You should have drunk,† I said for the hundredth time that day. â€Å"You should have taken your pick.† â€Å"Dont you understand, Stefan?† Damon asked flatly. â€Å"I dont want my pick. I want what I had–a world I understood, not one I can control.† â€Å"But why?† I asked, at a loss. The wind shifted, and the scent of iron, mixed with tobacco, talcum powder, and cotton, invaded my nostrils. â€Å"Feeding time already?† Damon asked wryly. â€Å"Havent you done enough damage?† â€Å"Who cares about one whore in a filthy brothel!† I yelled in frustration. I gestured out to the sea. â€Å"The world is filled with humans, and as soon as one dies, another appears. What does it matter if I relieve one wretched soul of its misery?† â€Å"Youre being careless, you know,† Damon grunted. His tongue darted out of his mouth to lick his dry, cracked lips. â€Å"To feed whenever you feel like it. Katherine never did that.† â€Å"Yes, well, Katherine died, didnt she?† I said, my voice much harsher than I meant it to be. â€Å"Shed have hated who youve become,† Damon said, sliding off the fence and standing next to me. The scent of iron was more pervasive now, curling around me like an embrace. â€Å"No, she would have hatedyou,† I retorted. â€Å"So scared of who you are, unable to go after what you want, wasting your Power.† I expected Damon to argue, to strike me even. But instead he shook his head, the tips of his retracted canines just visible between his partially open lips. â€Å"I hate myself. I wouldnt expect any different from her,† he said simply. I shook my head in disappointment. â€Å"What happened to you? You used to be so full of life, so ready for adventure. This is the best thing that has ever happened to us. Its a gift–one thatKatherinegave to you.† Across the street, an old man hobbled past, and then a moment later, a child on an errand rushed by in the opposite direction. â€Å"Pick one and feed! Pick something, anything. Anything is better than just sitting here, letting the world go by.† With that I stood, following the iron and tobacco scent, feeling my fangs pulse with the promise of a new meal. I grabbed Damon, who lagged a few paces behind me, until we found ourselves on a slanted lane out of range of the gaslights. What little light there was gathered onto a single point: a white-uniformed nurse, leaning against a brick building, smoking a cigarette. The woman looked up, her startled expression turning into a slow smile as she took in Damon. Typical. Even as a blood-starved vampire, Damon, with his shock of dark hair, long lashes, and broad shoulders, caused women to look twice. â€Å"Want a smoke?† she asked, blowing smoke into concentric circles that blended with the mist in the air. â€Å"No,† Damon said hastily. â€Å"Come on, brother.† I ignored him, stepping toward her. Her uniform was spattered with blood. I couldnt stop staring at it and the way the rich red contrasted to the stark white. No matter how often I had seen it since changing, blood continued to awe me with its beauty. â€Å"Having a bad night?† I asked, leaning next to her against the building. Damon grabbed my arm and started to pull me toward the lights of the hospital. â€Å"Brother, lets go.† Tension coiled in my body. â€Å"No!† It took a swat of my arm to toss him against the wall. The nurse dropped her cigarette. The ash sparked, then extinguished. I felt the bulge of my fangs behind my lips. It was just a matter of time now. Damon struggled to his feet, crouching low as if I was going to strike him again. â€Å"I wont watch this,† he said. â€Å"If you do this, I will never forgive you.† â€Å"I have to get back to my shift,† the nurse muttered, taking a step away from me, as if to run. I grabbed her arm and pulled her to me. She let out one short yelp before I covered her mouth with my hand. â€Å"No need to worry about that anymore,† I hissed, sinking my teeth into her neck. The liquid tasted like rotting leaves and antiseptic, as if the death and decay of the hospital had invaded her body. I spit the still warm liquid into the gutter and threw the nurse to the ground. Her face was twisted in a grimace of fear. Stupid girl. She should have sensed the danger and run while she still could. It hadnt even been a hunt. Worthless. She groaned, and I wrapped my fingers against her throat and squeezed until I heard the satisfying crack of bone breaking. Her head hung at an unnatural angle, blood still dripping from the wound. She wasnt making any noise now. I turned toward Damon, who stared at me, a horrified expression on his face. â€Å"Vampires kill. Its what we do, brother,† I said calmly, my gaze locking on Damons blue eyes. â€Å"Its whatyoudo,† he said, taking off the coat around his shoulders and throwing it over the nurse. â€Å"Not me. Never me.† Anger pulsed like a heart at the very core of my being. â€Å"Youre weak,† I growled. â€Å"Maybe so,† Damon said. â€Å"But Id rather be weak than a monster.† His voice grew strong. â€Å"I want no part in your killing spree. And if our paths ever cross again, I swear I will avenge all of your murders, brother.† Then he spun on his heel and ran at vampire speed down the alleyway, instantly disappearing into the swirling mist. How to cite Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 7, Essay examples

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Hoover Dam Essay Example

Hoover Dam Essay The Hoover Dam, which stands at 726 feet, was the worlds tallest dam at the time of it completion in 1935.It took just four years (1931-1935) to build this massive structure. Although larger dams have been built it still ranks as one of the tallest.The dam is located between Nevada and Arizona along the Colorado River.This massive dam was the idea of President Herbert Hoover.The structures name was changed from Boulder Dam to the Hoover Dam in honor of him. The need for a dam had been seen for over two decades, so in the early 1920s site testing began for this great project.Many thought that by controlling the Colorado River they could provide hydroelectric power to many areas out west.This added power was needed due to the extreme growth of Las Vegas and Southern California.Many bids were made on the price of the dam, but in the end it was the Six Companies Inc. who won the project.They estimated the dam to cost $48,890,955.Although they were anxious to start construction it could n ot be done until transportation to and from the site was established.Thus thefirst project was to lay roads and railroads to transport the many materials to the site.The next step was to reroute the Colorado River until the dam could be completed.Six Companies built four tunnels through Black Canyon, and then lined these tunnels with concrete.A temporary dam was then constructed to push the river into these tunnels.After the river was moved out of the way special men called high scalers were called in. The men chosen for this job came from all different types of backgrounds, but all had the same thing in common: they were agile and unafraid to swing out over empty space with only a slender rope holding them up.This work was some of the hardest and most dangerous work on the project.The men would descend into the canyon with only small tools and a water

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Africa and Aids essays

Africa and Aids essays Africa by far, is struggling the worst with its on going battle with AIDS. In comparison with the rest of the world they have the largest number of infected people. Throughout the years more and more people are catching this virus and nothing seems to be getting done to prevent it. In the US as we battle with HIV and the AIDS virus there are discussion groups and early childhood classes on safe sex and how AIDS can be contracted. When the time comes that young adults are beginning to become sexually active they know the precautions they should be taking. Unlike the US Africa holds back on their teachings about sex in schools, for reasons of culture and religion they do not believe in. In 2000 the statistics on the number affected with the virus in Africa was around 23.5 in the US the numbers were slightly under one million. This raises the question what causes Africas population to be overtaken? I found it interesting in the article that employment rates were not close to where they should be. In South Africa, a 1996 study estimated that 52% of the 11 million people aged 16-30 were unemployed, and half of those unemployed people were classified as marginalized, with few prospects of formal sector employment. Employment plays a big role in the spreading of the virus. The fact that there is little money around and so many are without jobs leads them to think of the present instead of the future. Meaning they are more worried about housing and sex that they dont think of where they will be in ten years and the effects of catching AIDS. The other problem with the lack of money in the country is that most people are not helping to find a cure or are spending any money to help the sick. Over the years there has been work done to lessen the affects of AIDS. In the US and in some of the other more powerful countries, millions of dollars have been put towards a cure and slowing the virus down as it...

Monday, March 2, 2020

How To Use Instagram For Business The Best Guide - CoSchedule

How To Use Instagram For Business The Best Guide Theres a lot of hype around Instagram, and how important it is for businesses of all sizes? But, should you actually believe it? The answer is a resounding yes. With 800 million active users per month, its impossible to ignore if you want to get your brand in front of your target audience. The next question you probably have is, How exactly do I use Instagram to build my business? Theres a lot to know, and your success will rely on a mix of smart strategy and creative execution. Fortunately, youre in the right place. In this post, well cover everything you need to know to start growing your brand on this important social network. Youre about to learn: All the basics, from setting up a business account to setting ambitious yet achievable goals. How to shoot awesome photos and create great visual content thats perfect for the platform. The best ways to analyze your content and measure your results to prove your work makes a difference. Plus, youll know everything you need about different post formats, how to leverage Instagram Stories, and more. + Instagram = Success: Did you know you can schedule Instagram posts on one integrated marketing calendar platform with ? See how it works. Then, start your free trial or schedule a demo. How to Use Instagram for Business: The Most Complete Guide via @ Table Of Contents: Building the Business Case for Using Instagram Setting Up Your Business Profile Optimizing Your Instagram Business Profile Find Influencers In Your Niche to Follow Set Instagram Marketing Goals Plan a Basic Instagram Content Strategy Building Your Visual Style And Brand Aesthetic On Instagram Growing Your Audience and Engagement Instagram Best Practices Schedule Instagram Posts With Make Creating Instagram Posts Easy with these 100+ free stock images. Use these as the basis for your own creative content to help you get started fast. Then, follow the tips in this post to take your Instagram marketing to the next level. Building the Business Case for Using Instagram You might be here because you're curious if Instagram has any actual business value. To make that decision, it's helpful to have hard data. Check out these stats: How to Get Started: Setting Up a Business Account The very first thing to do in order to start marketing on Instagram is to set up a business account. This video from Alex Fleck will help show you the steps: Take some time and use Instagram yourself before using it too heavily for your business (if you're not someone who uses it personally). Optimizing Your Instagram Business Profile Next, make sure your profile is completely optimized. This means: Writing a compelling bio. You have 150 characters to summarize what your business is about. Use a recognizable profile image. Your logo is typically a sound choice. Choose a good profile link. On Instagram, links are only allowed on profiles (and not on posts). Two options are your brand's website homepage  or a link to a new page or piece of content you're promoting.Find Influencers In Your Niche to Follow When you're first starting out, you'll need to choose accounts to follow. Here are some types of accounts to think about starting with: Your partner brands. Companies you work with are a great place to start. Influencers in your niche. These are people and brands that your audience follows. Start by searching a few keywords for accounts related to your brand or product. Brands you're inspired by. This will help you get ideas for your own posts and campaigns. Your competitors. Nothing wrong with keeping tabs on what they're up to. While doing so, note what type of  content  works for them, and find out what your competitors  are doing. Ask yourself these questions: What draws you to their Instagram posts? How often are they posting? What do you dislike about their posts? What type of information do they include in their profile? Is there a consistent theme? Keep what you learn in mind for later. Set Your Instagram Marketing Business Goals Once you have some research and inspiration stored away, it's time to think about your business! What are your goals as a company? Here are some Instagram goals you might want to focus on: Increasing  your follower count Growing your brand awareness Greater engagement Whatever your goal might be, make sure it's clear and concise so that you can always refer to it throughout your Instagram process. When it comes to your goals, you’ll also want to make sure to use SMART goals. Is your goal specific,  measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based? Use the SMART goals to purify your goal to its most  simple, effective form. For example, a great goal would be: "We want to increase our following by 20% over the course of the next month." This goal is specific in what metric to track, states the desired outcome, and has a clear deadline for that outcome. Recommended Reading:  How To Use Social Media Analytics To Create The Best Content Aligning Instagram Metrics With Business Objectives Growing an Instagram following and getting tons of engagement on your posts is great. But, if your goals are connected to actual business outcomes, then they don't matter much. So, when you're setting goals, know how you're aiming to improve your brand each time you post. To do this, select metrics to track that help drive certain business objectives. Follow this chart to help you select business goals and pair them up with the best Instagram metrics: Know How You'll Measure Your Instagram Marketing Efforts It can't be stressed enough how important this one is. Whether you're starting out or revamping your current Instagram, it's time to start recording your data! Remember that one aspect of SMART goals? Measurable. If you can't track your efforts, you'll never be able to see if your strategy is working. Use Google Sheets or Excel to track the analytics behind your posts. Make sure to record these 5 elements of every Instagram post from here on out: Date Total Followers Type of Post (i.e. Culture, Product, Inspiration, etc.) Time Engagement after x amount of time Once you have this data from all of your posts, you'll be able to make smart, strategic decisions every time you post. Find what works, take out what doesn't, and watch it grow your Instagram account. Create a simple spreadsheet like this (click File Make a Copy, or recreate something similar for yourself): Then, track your performance for each post over time. Do This With : Want even more analytics? Try out 's social sharing and analytics functionality for Instagram (and all your other social networks). It's the easiest way to schedule and measure every post alongside all your marketing projects and campaigns, all in one marketing management platform. Plan a Basic Instagram Content Strategy Now, before you go posting just anything on Instagram, understand why you're creating that content in the first place. Everything you post should have a purpose, support your goals, and strengthen your brand. Outlining a simple content strategy can help achieve these aims. Start With Your Story The final step  in defining your strategy is to brainstorm how you can connect the story of your product to your audience.  What was the original idea that made your business idea come to life? Take that and run with it. For example, Lululemon was founded on the  idea that working out together could also cultivate  community. According to their website, "Our vision for our store was to create more than a place where people could get gear to sweat in, we wanted to create a community hub where people could learn and discuss the physical aspects of healthy living, mindfulness and living a life of possibility." The idea was simple: Health and community to live a fuller life. That is their story. On their Instagram account, that same narrative continues to tells the story among all of their posts: It's almost instantly evident what they're about, and it's consistent across their entire page. In order to find your own narrative, ask yourself these three questions: What is the core idea behind your product? What do people love about your product? What would your audience miss about your business if you stopped tomorrow? These three questions will help shape your story. Combine your narrative with your goal, and now you have a strategy. To find success on Instagram, you need to find your narrative. Understand Which Post Types Work Best Now that you have an awesome strategy in place, it's time to decide what types of posts you want to share with your audience. Every audience is different, so trying out different types of posts to see what works will be very beneficial for both audience building and increased engagement. Inspiration: Inspirational posts are really great for motivating your audience. Who doesn't need a good morning pick-me-up? Inspirational posts often come in the form of quotes, so find some key people who believe in your narrative and/or goal, and use that as a starting point. Company Culture: Culture posts are ones that truly align with the heart and core values of your business. It could be for fun and play, or something you personally support. Either or, culture posts are great for being transparent and honest with your audience. Show them who you really are! Let them share in your funny, office shenanigans behind the scenes. Product Posts:   While maybe the most obvious, product posts are one of the most essential Instagram types to use.  After all,  the ever-present goal is always to grow your business, right? Instagram is a great platform to show off how your products work, promote new stuff, and get people interested in what you have to offer. Event Photos: Attending a conference? Hosting an event? Snap some shots for Instagram. Interesting Stats: Everyone loves a fact or figure that sounds almost impossible to believe, but is totally accurate. Stats that help businesses make decisions are great, too. Designed Images: Event flyers, ads, and other such items would fall under this category. See Some Instagram Post Examples It'll be helpful to see some examples of what good Instagram posts look like. Here's a handful to check out: Inspiration from Gary Vaynerchuk: . Winners love the hate - #garyvee - Tag a winner A post shared by Gary Vay-Ner-Chuk (@garyvee) on Apr 18, 2018 at 2:30pm PDT Culture from : 2017 might have been our best year yet. We opened a brand new office, hired a bunch of great people and added a boatload of new features to help marketers get even more organized. Thank you for a great year, rs! #thankyou #marketingteams #getorganized #nye2017 #marketing #marketingprojects #contentmarketing #contenthacking #projectmanagement A post shared by (@) on Dec 31, 2017 at 8:33am PST Product from Nike: Live from London, the next chapter of @nikefootball has arrived. Introducing the #Mercurial Superfly 360, built for the fastest players in the game. â  â‚¬Ã¢  â‚¬ â  â‚¬ Check out our Mercurial Instagram Story to see more from the launch event. #BornMercurial A post shared by nike (@nike) on Feb 7, 2018 at 11:40am PST Event Video Post from Red Bull: No perfect performance, no problem.   #redbull1976games #oldschool #skiing #winter #snow #fun A post shared by Red Bull (@redbull) on Mar 20, 2018 at 2:11am PDT Interesting Stat from ESPN: Jaylen Brown is doing things in the playoffs that haven't been done in 8 years 💠ª A post shared by NBA on ESPN (@nbaonespn) on Apr 22, 2018 at 2:15pm PDT Designed Image from Mod Cloth: It’s World Art Day! Who’s your fave female artist? #WorldArtDay A post shared by ModCloth (@modcloth) on Apr 15, 2018 at 9:02am PDT Recommended Reading:The 6 Types Of Social Media Content That Will Give You The Greatest Value Building Your Visual Style And Brand Aesthetic On Instagram One of the  unique qualities about Instagram among all the other social platforms is that it's primarily visual with its ongoing feed of imagery. This allows business to visually show off their product, rather than just  tell; however, this also presents a challenge. How can you make your  business narrative seen through a consistent, visually appealing brand? Here are five key factors that will ensure your Instagram feed looks great and tells your story well. Build your brand on #Instagram the right way.The Bare Essentials While top-notch, expensive camera gear surely  has its benefits, it's definitely not required to have a great visual presence on Instagram. What you do need is a smartphone with a camera, and some good natural  light. Whether you're taking photos of people experiencing the benefits of your product outside, or you're taking photos of physical  products indoors, these two are essential  to get going. To watch how to post to Instagram on your iPhone check this video from Jana Williams. Natural Lighting Quality lighting for your photos can take them to the next level! The best lighting source is found outside, but there are also ways to capture this gorgeous light indoors. If you want to take your photo outside, the best time of day for lighting is called golden hour. This is the hour after sunrise or before sunset when the skies turn golden and make everything seem magical. Depending on where you live, taking photos at those times of day may not be ideal, so if you need to take photos in the middle of the day here are a couple of tips: 1.  Avoid direct, high-noon sun outside. In the middle of the day, the sun is directly above which can cast harsh shadows on your subject. Instead, we want evenly lit light to highlight your subject so to avoid the bright sun, find some shade. In the shade, your image will have even light, making for a wonderful photo. 2. Avoid dark, indoor spaces. While its common to have offices and buildings with  tiled, white fluorescent lighting in the ceiling, this is not ideal for your images because it will make them appear yellow. Instead, try finding a nearby window that has some room for your photo. This way, you'll capture the great natural lighting while still being inside. 3.   Use a reflector. If you can't go outside and you don't have any windows nearby, you can purchase a $20 reflector to help you bounce the available light. I personally use this for my photography, and it always comes in handy. Simply choose to either add more light with the silver or gold sides or take away light with the white, diffuser side. Tilt the reflector side-to-side as well as up-and-down until you see the desired light, and you're all set! Rule of Thirds When it comes to visuals, the layout of your subjects can also be optimized to create visual interest. Using the rule of thirds, you can ensure your image is balanced, natural, and professional.  The rule of thirds creates a 9-part grid providing four lines where your subject can  be placed. Recommended Reading: How To Create A Marketing Strategy That Will Skyrocket Your Results By 9,360% Choosing Your Filter One you've taken your image with great lighting, positioned with the rule of thirds, and have taken your image, its time to edit it! The first thing you'll want to do,is choose your filter. Filters are several different styles and editing presets that are ready to use. There are an extremely high number of filter options out there today from a variety of apps, including Instagram's 21 default filter options so be careful when you choose your filter. Ask yourself this: Does this filter reflect the mood of my business narrative? Does this filter draw attention to itself or does it enhance my subject in the photo? Is this filter consistent with my other imagery? Once you've chosen a filter or two that works best for your business, make sure to stick with that filter. While it's okay to experiment right away, too many different filters at once can disrupt the mood and emotion of your Instagram feed as a whole. When your audience goes to your account and sees nine images together, consistency needs to be evident in telling your story well. Find a couple of filters and stick to it. Brands on Instagram: use consistent filters to create a consistent look.Some Popular Instagram Tools From start to finish, there are apps and tools out there to help you get the best photo possible. Here's a grand list of some of my favorite photo tools from creation to hitting publish: VSCO: Use their camera grid to apply the rule of thirds, and utilize their hand-crafted filters for great color. Snapseed: Once you've taken your image, open it in Snapseed for several advanced editing tools and filters. Filterstorm Neue: While only available for iPhone,  the app has a diverse collection of customizable editing options. TouchRetouch: Need to edit out something? This app is perfect for detailed retouching! ProCamera: If you'd like more control of your iPhone camera, this app allows you the full functionality. While there are several more tools out there, these are the ones that have worked best for me and . Explore the different options, and see what works best for you. Every workflow is unique, so choose an app that matches your photo process best. Growing Your Audience And Engagement First of all, congrats! You've thoroughly developed your Instagram strategy, created some awesome Instagram posts, recorded your data, and now its time to optimize everything for the next level of audience engagement! At this point, you know what works well and you're ready to fine-tune everything to achieve your goals faster and better. There are eight  easy steps to optimizing your entire Instagram account from the descriptions and imagery, to tagging others and building a community. Here's how to grow your following on #Instagram: Write Perfect Post Captions Instagram is all about striking visuals. But, having the perfect caption can help give your images better context and make them more engaging. Follow these guidelines every time you write post copy: Using Hashtags Hashtags are really important to your Instagram posts because they allow others to find you that may not have heard of your product before. They let you reach a broader audience, and who doesn't want that? An easy way to find what hashtags are currently trending is to use  They provide a nice, clear list with the highest rated hashtags and how many posts currently have that hashtag. It also lets you click on the hashtag to see examples of how others are using it! How many hashtags should you use? That's a great question. Instagram allows you to use up to 30 hashtags for each post, but its best practice to use 5-10 hashtags. While more hashtags often is better, is always important to remember to avoid being  spammy. You can find the perfect amount of hashtags to use by doing two things: Look at what other hashtags the influencers in your industry are using and how many. Test your own Instagram posts with a variety of hashtag amounts, and see what works best. Tag Industry Influencers In order to grow your community, look to the big influencers and see how you can involve them in your Instagram strategy. Not only can you learn from them, but you can easily share their quotes, products, and other resources within your own posts that align with your business' narrative. For example, we're big fans of Seth Godin and his mantras so we've  read a bunch  of his content. He has so many great takeaways, and we want to share that with our own audience, too.What's that one thing constantly on your mind that you've always wanted to do but just haven't taken the leap? Maybe it's time to just go for it! #vscocam #vsco #bismarck #photography #content #contentmarketing #socialmedia #team #culture #calendar #quote #inspiration #office #mantra #motivation #justdoit #sethgodin A photo posted by (@) on Sep 15, 2016 at 8:12am PDTWhen you share content  from others, make sure your posts are still original. Take your own images, design your own quote graphics, and still create something that matches your own business, but remember to give them credit. Tag them in your posts so that they see it, their audience might see it, and then watch your audience grow. Recommended Reading:How To Get Insanely Loyal Followers On Social Media Adding A Location Every Instagram post has the option to add a location to it. This is yet another way Instagram users can search to find people to follow. If your business is known especially in a specific region, this is even more valuable! You can either search for your location and find it using maps, or you can create your own custom location.  Custom locations can be especially helpful for business events as you can add a personal touch. Using Instagram locations are a simple extra way to allow your potential audience  to find you. Add a location to your Instagram posts to target local audiences.Optimize Your Link In Your Profile Instagram has a very minimal profile space to personalize the information to your business and its goals, so businesses must take advantage of what they're given. One of the best ways to do so, is by updating and modifying your link  for each Instagram post. While a best practice is to have your business or product website link there  on a long-term basis, feel free to customize that link with posts that direct your  audience to something more specific. Do you have a feature launch coming up? Was your business just featured on a reputable news source? Use those opportunities to post about it on Instagram, and directly link to it in your profile. Don't forget you can drive Instagram traffic with profile links.This allows your audience to avoid mis-typinganything, and gives instant access to precisely what you want them to see. Just remember to add "link in profile" to your Instagram post description, and then they'll know to hit the link in your profile. For example, recently announced our new podcast series, Actionable Content Marketing, and used Instagram to direct our audience to that specific page for easy accessibility: Create An  Instagram Engagement Pod InstaRevealed  recently launched the new idea of comment or pods so that users could connect more with their industry niche, while also growing each other's engagement. Once you sign up, you're placed into a 5-10 person direct message where you can send the heart icon every time you post. The heart alerts the group to check it out, like and comment, and boost your engagement. If you'd like to do this for your business, you can sign up on their website. Maybe you'd like an engagement comment pod, but with people and brands you know! Well, that's possible too. Make a list of the 5-10 key people you'd like to include in your group. Contact them, tell them what it's about, and let them accept your invitation. Then, simply create a direct message, and add your biggest fans, industry influencers, or  anyone else on your list. The next time you share an Instagram post, go to that direct message and choose the heart icon. Your engagement group will know exactly what to do, and suddenly you'll have great engagement and interaction on all of your posts. Of course, this engagement group is for their posts as well. Make sure to reciprocate the Instagram love by commenting and engaging with their content. By simply choosing to work as a supportive community, you'll also interact with all of their audience's. It's a win-win for everyone involved. Have you tried building an Instagram engagement pod?Post at the Best Times for Instagram Instagram is a mobile-focused app. And, since users are frequently on their phones, this means almost any time is a great time to share on the platform. But, are some times shown to be better than others? This graphic shows our findings: Now, your best times may vary from what research shows. Remember that data that you started collecting? This is where it comes into play. Analyze all of the times recorded in your note, as well as the engagement levels for that post to find the best time to post for your business. To do this, follow these three steps: First, in order to simplify your times, categorize them by hour. (i.e. All posts published within 9am, 10am, etc.) Then, tally how many posts you had within each hour. Now let's take a look at your engagement. Under the same hour categories, write down all of the engagement scores associated with that hour. Once that's complete,  add up the total engagement score for that hour. Next, divide it by amount of posts in that hour. You've now found your average engagement for posts published during that hour. You'll want to repeat this process for each of your hours, and then it will be loud and clear what time(s) work best for you! Recommended Reading:The Best Times to Post on Social Media (According to 23 Studies) Know How Often To Post Along with the best time, frequency is a major factor when publishing to Instagram. On one hand, you don't want to post so often that it looks spammy and turns away your followers, but on the other you want enough posts that continually build up for your Instagram community. According to Buffer, the top brands post about 1.5 times per day. So what does that mean for you? Let's test it. For each week that you recorded, count how many Instagram posts you've published. Then,  take your first day of the week's follower count and your last day of the week's follower count, and find the difference. Do this same process for every week that you've published content. What do you notice? Are there some weeks that have a lot of posts, but lower follower growth? Or did posting a lot triple your follower count? did this same process, and we found that posting 3 times a week compared to 5 times increased our follower count by 64%! For us, less is more. But what's most important is that you use your own data to find your best frequency. Your business is unique, and so will your data. Take the time to analyze and reflect, and you'll be amazed at the results. Recommended Reading:  This Is The Social Media Posting Schedule That Will Boost Your Traffic By 192% Advertise With Instagram Instagram ads are 2.8x higher than other forms of online advertising. Once you know what type of Instagram post works, its time to make it an ad and let it work for you! Instagram ads are integrated with Facebook ads and can be in the form of image, video, or carousel  style, where multiple  images are in a scroll for your audience to tap through. Using what you already know, you can simply promote your posts to go just a bit further, making a big difference. Instagram advertising is great for businesses because it's yet another thing you can measure to reach your goals. Not only that, but it adds a direct call to action in your ads that you can lead  your audience directly to your product. When  over a third  of Instagram users have used their mobile to purchase a product online, your Instagram is an easy way to reach into that moment of purchase. Using Facebook's Ads Manager to create an ad for Instagram, you can choose a custom audience, define the region you'd like to reach, age, gender, language, as well as demographic interests or behaviors. There you have it! Eight  ways to optimize your Instagram account from head to toe. Start with one or two, and perfect them before going into the next. Slowly but surely, you'll notice not only great engagement but an increased ROI on your product. Instagram Best Practices: Brand. Craft. Community. That might seem to be a lot to remember, so let's go over the best practices. If you must take away one thing, or maybe three, these would be it.

Friday, February 14, 2020

To what extent was the air campaign in Operation Iraqi Freedom a Essay

To what extent was the air campaign in Operation Iraqi Freedom a military success but a public relations failure - Essay Example It is proposed that the fall of the Soviet Union and the changing world order in the aftermath of the Cold War triggered a change in the international political framework, thereby altering the traditional theory of international relations as evidenced by Operation Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom (Schoenbaum, 2006, p.2). This further marked a turning point in US foreign policy objectives in the Middle East, which was cemented by the events of September 11. Moreover, Operation Desert Storm in particular fuelled a tactical change in the US military strategy with a move towards the Rapid Dominance and Shock and Awe tactics as applied in Operation Iraqi Freedom (Martel, 2007, p.248). However, whilst Ullman and Wade (1996) suggest that the Rapid Dominance and shock and awe doctrine was necessary to ensure strategic military success in conflict, the current instability in Iraq has fuelled debate as to the long term implications of the shock and awe doctrine, with many labelling Operation Iraqi Freedom a public relations failure (Griese, 2004, p.53). It is submitted that Operation Iraqi Freedom is a prime example of this as a foreseeable end to the current US war in Iraq remains precarious, leading to controversial justifications of necessary humanitarian interventions and post conflict peace building. Therefore, in considering the inherent conflict between the military success of the air campaign and the ensuing controversy over the US’ continued presence in Iraq, I shall firstly consider the shock and awe doctrine applied in Operation Iraqi Freedom in Section 2, followed by a contextual discussion of Operation Iraqi Freedom in impacting US public relations within the international political framework (Heath et al, 2009, p.89). In undertaking this discussion it is submitted at the outset that whilst in the short term the

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Culture and self-assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Culture and self-assessment - Essay Example They were also forced to settle but still managed to continue with their nomadic way of life with most of them living in Bulgaria and Romania. White christians excluded gypsies from their professions, and they resorted to fortune telling, iron making and trading animals. They also manufactured cheap household goods and sold them. The gypsies value family and both the man and the woman help each other. The man is the head and the woman is the heart of the family. Upbringing of children is a responsibility of all members of the community.The extended family is highly valued, and the family has a power structure and the oldest man in the family has most powers or has authority over the other members. Bringing and handling money was the responsibility of the woman. A romani has three names which are given at birth, after baptism and after second baptism in a Christian church. The first name given at birth and only known to the mother is meant to confuse the evil spirits. The second name given after getting baptized is used within the tribe and the third name is often used when dealing with non-Romas. The gypsy culture is diverse but believes that birth and death are unique and this custom is passed on through the generations. The gypsies live in groups of extended families and travel together providing each other with mutual support and companionship. The extended family is the basis for which work is divided, resources are shared and food is prepared and shared Children are often married off when they are teens, they consider them adults. The gypsies celebrate the birth of newborns and often invest in marriages that are done traditionally. They have high standards of hygiene and consider dogs and cats impure because they lick themselves. Several extended families combined form a nation through and share a traditional origin practising similar

Friday, January 24, 2020

Service based economy in the U.S. :: essays research papers

Now that the United States has changed from an industrial based economy to a more service oriented economy, it means that our economic revenues are now primarily comprised by the prevalence of intangible assets, provided by services and technology for example, and less by tangible assets by means of physical labor in factories and other manufacturing industries. Because of this change, industrial production and output have been experiencing a major falloff as jobs in factories, farms, and mines that were once plentiful, are being eliminated, while jobs in the growing services sector, such as in technologies, telecommunications, and entertainment are experiencing a massive growth. We say that we are heading toward a more global economy because of the fact that competition in today’s markets is global. This means that corporations in the United States can compete in foreign markets and vice versa, therefore U.S. corporations and foreign corporations become interdependent and thrive off each other. This can have a good impact on the United States because it allows U.S. corporations to seek materials and labor outside of the U.S. in countries such as China, India, and Mexico, where workers are paid a lot less money than U.S. workers, thus allowing them to sell their products for significantly cheaper than if they were produced in the U.S.; however, the tradeoff is that many American workers in the industrial sector lose jobs due to this shift of labor to overseas. In the long run this will be beneficial for the U.S. and although some percentage of workers are losing work, new jobs in the services sector, in fields such as computer technology, telecommunica tions, and language skills are opening up and experiencing growth because of this change.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Milk †Cheese Essay

Milk contains all the food, including protein, fat, sugar, and other nutrients, a young mammal requires for a long period of time. Milk comes from sheep, cows, and goats. Milk is good for us because we grow up healthy and have a strong body; we have sharp teeth and have energy. Everybody needs milk, for example: babies, toddlers, sick people, children, and elderly people. In various parts of the world, goats, reindeer, donkeys, yaks, water buffalo, and sheep are domesticated and milked. In most countries, however, dairy cows provide milk. Milk and milk products are drunk and eaten in many forms, including buttermilk, cheese, yoghurt, and butter. Milk can be reduced to powder, concentrated in a thick liquid, and used in cooking. Fresh milk sours quickly, but, when changed into forms such as cheeses, it can be kept for a long time. People consume milk in fresh, dried, and condensed forms. Fermented-milk products, such as buttermilk, sour cream, and yoghurt, are also available. Milk is used to make food products such as butter, cheese, and ice-cream. Under normal conditions, the milk of mammals is the only food necessary for the health and growth of that mammal’s young for certain period after birth. Cow’s milk can be substituted for human milk in feeding babies only if the proportions of water and sugar to other components are increased. Milk is composed largely of water; cow’s milk, for example, is approximately 87 percent water by volume. The main nutrients, food elements are: proteins, the principal proteins in milk are casein and albumin. They contain all the essential amino acid for building tissues, blood and hormone substances. Casein is found only in milk and gives milk its whiteness. Carbohydrates, the fat of the milk is called butterfat, or milk fat, and is the part of milk from which butter is made. It is an important source of energy and rich in vitamin A. Minerals, milk are one of the best natural sources of calcium and phosphorus. Its other minerals include iron, copper, sodium, potassium, magnesium, sulfur and iodine. Vitamins, milk contains all the known vitamins, but only four-riboflavin, vitamin B2, thiamine, vitamin B1, niacin and vitamin A in significant amounts. Milk is an excellent source of riboflavin; it contains only a little less than does an equal amount, by weight, of lean meat. Microorganisms that Disease-causing organisms present in the cow can be passed on to the milk. Contamination can occur when the milk is obtained, stored, or transported. Milk is pasteurized to kill and prevent growth of microorganisms. Milk products: raw milk is natural, fluid milk. Pasteurized milk is milk that has been heated to 63 degrees.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Who or What Were the Bogomils

A Bogomil was a member of a heretical sect that originated in Bulgaria in the tenth century. The sect was evidently named after its founder, the priest Bogomil. The Doctrine of the  Bogomils Bogomilism was dualistic in nature—that is, its followers believed that both good and evil forces created the universe. Bogomils believed that the material world was created by the devil, and they therefore condemned all activities that brought mankind into close contact with matter, including eating meat, drinking wine, and marriage. Bogomils were noted and even praised by their enemies for their austerity, but their rejection of the entire organization of the Orthodox Church made them heretics, and they were therefore sought out for conversion and, in some cases, persecution. Origins and Spread of  Bogomilism The idea of Bogomilism appears to be a result of a combination of neo-Manicheanism with a local movement aimed at reforming the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. This theological viewpoint  spread over much of the Byzantine Empire during the 11th and 12th centuries. Its popularity in Constantinople resulted in the imprisonment of many prominent Bogomils and the burning of their leader, Basil, in about 1100. The heresy continued to spread until, by the early 13th century, there was a network of Bogomils and followers of similar philosophies, including Paulicians and Cathari, that stretched from the Black Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. The Decline of  Bogomilism In the 13th and 14th centuries, several delegations of Franciscan missionaries were sent to convert heretics in the Balkans, including Bogomils; those they failed to convert were expelled from the region. Still, Bogomilism remained strong in Bulgaria until the 15th century, when the Ottomans conquered parts of southeastern Europe and the sects began to dissipate. Remnants of dualistic practices can be found in the folklore of southern Slavs, but little else remains of the once-powerful sect.